Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cambridge Life Solutions Announces Client Graduation

Cambridge Life Solutions Client Graduates from the Program in less than 6 months. Saves over $30,554.65 over 72.28% | Cambridge Life Solutions Proven Results

July 26, 2011
Cambridge Life Solutions proudly announces client graduation from the program. Cambridge Life Solutions successfully negotiated $42,254.65 in debt down to $11,700 as payment in full. The client saved over $30,554.65 off of the balances they owed. The client saved over 72.28% and received the fresh start they desperately needed; all achieved within a 6 month program.

Had the client continued to make minimum payments on this debt, it would have taken them over 29.32 Years and they would have paid over $88,788.72 in principal & interest; based on a 19% interest rate.

Cambridge Life Solutions capitalized on the "bulk settlements" method and achieves the greatest savings on behalf of their clients.

Cambridge Life Solutions provides this analogy: if asked to buy only 1 apple compared to someone who said they wanted to buy 300 apples, who do you think would get the better price per apple? Usually the person buying the greatest quantity gets the greatest savings. The same rules tend to apply for Cambridge Life Solutions.

If a person contacts their creditor and asks to settle their $10,000 balance they might on average get 15 - 20% off, saving $2,000 dollars overall. That person would still need to pay $8,000 back to their creditor. Now imagine Cambridge Life Solutions contacts that same creditor mentioning they also represent 100 clients holding that same card, each owing $10,000 and all together collectively owe $1,000,000 outstanding! Typically that creditor is going to offer Cambridge Life Solutions greater savings; in the range of 40 - 70%, maybe even more.

The methodology is simple because it's a win-win for Cambridge Life Solutions clients and their creditors. In the analogy above each client could end up saving over $7,000 each and the creditor is pleased because they received $300,000 in overall outstanding debt owed between 100 clients as payment in full. "Buying in Bulk" or "Settling in Bulk" is a very effective tool Cambridge Life Solutions uses to achieve the greatest savings on behalf of their clients.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One New Captivating Cambridge Life Solutions Review - Saving a Life From Drowning in Debt

One New Captivating Cambridge Life Solutions Review - Saving a Life From Drowning in Debt

Cambridge Life Solutions Complaints | "0" Complaints

Cambridge Life Solutions Complaints

Cambridge Life Solutions Complaints Department is proud to hold "0" complaints with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Cambridge Life Solutions Complaints Department believes this is a testament to the level of customer service we provide our clients. A consumer should never have to rely on a third party to voice their concerns or frustrations.

Cambridge Life Solutions Complaints

Department wants all our customers to know that if they ever have a question or concern, we will always immediately address the issue and be there for them. If you ever feel you are not being promptly serviced or your needs are not being addressed please contact our Customer Excellence Department by email:

Cambridge Life Solutions Complaints Department truly believes in this quote: "The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary."

- Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cambridge Life Solutions | Customer Reviews

Cambridge Life Solutions Canada Reviews & Comments

Relieving the stress and anxiety that comes with debt is what Cambridge Life Solutions Canada does every day for our customers. We strive to give our customers back the quality of life they deserve and more importantly a customer service level second to none. The character of a company is truly defined by its employees & service. These are just a handful of comments and reviews Cambridge Life Solutions have received from clients.
"Customer Service is a just a day in, day out ongoing, never ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate, type of activity." - Leon Gorman, CEO L.L.Bean


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cambridge Life Solutions BBB | Better Business Burea Rating

Cambridge Life Solutions Better Business Bureau (BBB) Business Rating & Review

Dated 7/14/2011

Cambridge Life Solutions holds a Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating of "B".
BBB Business Review

Cambridge Life Solutions wishes to become an accredited Better Business Bureau (BBB) member. Currently Cambridge Life Solutions cannot become an accredited Better Business Bureau (BBB) member as determined by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for the following reasons:
BBB Business Reason for Rating

Cambridge Life Solutions simply needs to wait for the Better Business Bureau's (BBB) seasoning period in order to apply for accreditation membership. Cambridge Life Solutions is only a few months away from being able to apply for membership with the BBB. The length of business requirement does not take into account unfortunately that the management team of Cambridge Life Solutions collectively holds over 25 years of experience in the debt negotiation and finance industry. Cambridge Life Solutions respects the wishes, rules and guidelines outlined by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) regarding membership and Cambridge Life Solutions looks forward to the day where we can proudly display our accreditation and the Better Business Bureau Seal. Cambridge Life Solutions is extremely confident that if the length of time was not a factor, Cambridge Life Solutions would hold an "A" rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB.)

Cambridge Life Solutions has "0" Complaints with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

Complaints with the Better Business Bureau

Cambridge Life Solutions is proud to hold "0" complaints with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Cambridge Life Solutions believes this is a testament to the level of customer service we provide our clients. A consumer should never have to rely on a third party to voice their concerns or frustrations. We want all our customers to know that if they ever have a question or concern, we will always immediately address the issue and be there for them. If you ever feel you are not being promptly serviced or your needs are not being addressed please contact our Customer Excellence Department at (877) 451 - 9528 or by email:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cambridge Life Solutions Canada | Truth About Credit Cards

The Truth About Credit Cards

Minimum Payments

The Current Path
Below is the number of years to pay off a credit card balance based on 19% interest and a minimum monthly of 2.1% of the outstanding balance. Usually credit cards require a minimum monthly payment between 2.0% and 2.5% of the outstanding balance.
Source: CNN Money

Debt Amount Pay Back

(Including Principal & Interest) How Long Will It Take

Debt Amount $20,000

Pay Back (Including Principal & Interest) $55,370.41 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Long Will It Take 53 YEARS 3 MONTHS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION - CLICK HERE or Call Cambridge Life Solutions Canada for a free no risk consultation at 877 473 8008

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cambridge Life Solutions Claims Check Out | Review - Canada

Cambridge Life Solutions Canada - Proven Results - Actual Settlement Offers

Credit card and collection companies may make claims that they do not work with Cambridge Life Solutions Canada. Even most of our competitors that offer other financial hardship programs such as credit counselling or debt consolidation want to discredit the debt negotiation program and the services Cambridge Life Solutions Canada offers.

Here is the reality, for those Canadians struggling to make minimum payments month after month or for those who are not able to make a minimum payment at all, their debt has a strong possibility of outliving them. Unfortunately, some credit card and collection companies will target those Canadians who owe thousands in debt and have high daily compounding interest rates of 19%, 20%, 25%, or even 32%, and use fear, intimidation, and, sometimes lies to keep their customers on the same path they have always been on, which only leads to stress and a life destined for indebtedness.

At this point, you are probably wondering why credit card companies, collection companies, and competitors would use these tactics. The answer is simple. Paying your minimum payments makes the credit card companies a lot of money, but so do Credit Counselling and Debt Consolidation programs because you still pay a daily compounding interest rate!

Don't take our word for it, let us put our money where our mouth is and support our claims with the following examples.

Example A: Making Minimum Payments

John has a balance of $20,000 that he owes on his credit card. His credit card company charges him a 19% daily compounding interest rate. Making just the minimum payment, he will have to pay $516.67 each month.

At this rate, paying only the minimum payments it will take John 34.42 YEARS to pay back over $51,072.75 in interest and principal!

Example B: Credit Counselling or Debt Consolidation Loans

John decides to work with a credit counseling or debt consolidation company. They contact his creditor and are able to decrease his interest rate from 19% to 7%.

John is very excited about this, except after doing the calculation he realizes that even at a 7% interest rate it is still going to take him over 5 Years to pay back more than 25,018.27 in interest and principal.

Example C: Cambridge Life Solutions Canada Debt Negotiation Program

John enrolls his account with a balance of $20,000 into the Cambridge Life Solutions Canada debt negotiation program. Cambridge Life Solutions is able to negotiate a settlement offer with his creditor based on his budgetary analysis and financial hardship. John approves the settlement offer and accepts because he only has to pay back $13,000 which not only includes the settlement amount paid to the creditor, but also any fees associated with our service. Oh, and he was able to pay off this debt in less than 2 Years!

John saves over $7,000 in just the principal. NONE of the programs above can save you on the principal of what you owe!!!

Compared to Example A, John saves over $38,072.75 in principal and interest and doesn’t have to stress for the next 32 YEARS about how to pay off the debt.

Compared to Example B, John saves over $12,018.27 in principal and interest and eliminates his debt 2 YEARS sooner than other programs.

If you’re still not convinced the Cambridge Life Solutions debt negotiation program may help you eliminate your debt, then click the link below to see Actual Settlements received on behalf of our Cambridge Life Solutions Canada clients.

Cambridge Life Solutions Canada Announcement

Cambridge Life Solutions Canada is proud to announce we currently are enrolling clients in: British Columbia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec & Prince Edward Island.

We are pleased to announce Cambridge Life Solutions Canada is offering debt negotiation services.

By providing debt negotiation services in the above provinces, Cambridge Life Solutions Canada offers an opportunity for residents to achieve a debt free lifestyle. Cambridge Life Solutions Canada makes it simple for Canadians to speak with a debt consultant and receive a customized debt program they can easily follow.

Cambridge Life Solutions Canada understands this is a difficult time for Canadian residents. Many are consumed with over $25,000 in credit card debt alone and it’s on the rise. “TransUnion said average total debt per Canadian consumer, excluding mortgages, was $25,709 in the fourth quarter of 2010 -- up 5.6 per cent from $24,346 in the comparable period of 2009.” Cambridge Life Solutions Canada reveals its mission is to “educate Canada about credit card debt and make solutions available to help relieve the stress affecting so many Canadian families.” Cambridge Life Solutions Canada has worked hard to create a program that empower clients to eliminate their debt and rebuild a strong financial future.

Cambridge Life Solutions Ontario is proud to donate to the following charities: Daily Bread Food Bank, Hope Air, Ryan's Well, Sleeping Children Around the World, United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, and Bridges of Hope. We hope those that have been blessed by Cambridge Life Solutions would also consider donating either their time or money to these amazing organizations making an incredible difference.

Cambridge Life Solutions British Columbia welcomes you to visit the "Actual Settlement" section of our website to view settlements achieved on behalf of our clients. Cambridge Life Solutions Saskatchewan invites you to visit the "Better Business Bureau (BBB)" section of our website to view our business rating and "0" complaint track record. Cambridge Life Solutions Quebec welcomes you to visit our "Client Reviews" section to find Cambridge Life Solution Reviews made by our customers. Cambridge Life Solutions Prince Edward Island invites you to explore our "education centre" to see the various debt options an individual might have available in order to become debt free.

Residents of these provinces are welcome to contact Cambridge Life Solutions Canada at 877.473.8008 at any time to begin to process of eliminating their debt. Calling Cambridge Life Solutions Canada may be very first step towards achieving financial freedom. The call is free, there is no risk and/or obligation to talk to a debt consultant.

Cambridge Life Solutions Canada is dedicated to assisting clients with eliminating their debt.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Debt and Family Type in Canada

What a great article that outlines the trends between debt and family type in Canada. Click the link below to read the full article. Here are the highlights:

  • Debt-to-Asset Ratio increased to its highest point in 35 years in 2009
  • Canadians in lone-parent families are more likely to have high debt-to-asset ratios
  • Financial insecurity related to debt decreases with higher income
  • Canadian-born had lower odds of high debt load than immigrants
  • Debt-to-income ratio climbed more than 55 percentage points between 1990 and 2009
  • Older Canadians have less debt

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day!!!! Enjoy and Relax this Holiday weekend!

Here are some fun facts about Canada!

  • Detroit, Michigan just across the river in the US holds a Canada Day celebration. Conversely, Windsor, Ontario celebrates July 4, the US Independence Day
  • We are responsible for Smarties, Crispy Crunch, and Coffee Crisp
  • Baseball is Canadian - First game: June 4, 1838 - Igersoll, ON
  • Lacrosse, Hockey, and Basketball are all Canadian
  • Apple pie is Canadian!
  • Colour television was introduced to Canada on Canada Day in 1967
  • Tim Hortons is just plain better than Dunkin' Donuts (a US company)
  • In the war of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the Americans back ... past their White House.
  • Our civil war was fought in a bar - it lasted a little over an hour
  • A Canadian invented Standard Time
  • The Hudsons Bay Company (aka 'The Bay') is the world's oldest company
  • We invented: Ski-doos, jet-ski, Velcro, Zippers, Insulin, Penicillin, Zambonies, and the telephone.
  • A Canadian invented Superman.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pushing the Limits

Eleanor Roosevelt said "Do one thing everyday that scares you." We agree and think living by this mantra is a great way to challenge yourself and continually grow. Take a second and think about the things you want in your life, but don't currently have. Take those dreams and turn them into reality by breaking down your goals into daily activities that will always move you closer to the end result. The idea is to pick a small adjustment for the week, then another and another. It can be big or small, but the goal is to make it so that it is realistically achievable. For example, if you feel you need to lose weight, your goal shouldn't be to lose 100 lbs in the next year, you should take it one week at a time. The first week decide to drink more water, then the following week eat only 1/4 of the portions you were before, then the week after that you add in exercise. This way you're not overwhelmed with trying to accomplish too much at once and feeling like you have failed just because you couldn't keep up with the demands you put on yourself.

The same goes for your debt situation. If you are really dedicated to becoming debt free. It is a process and it will take time. Doing nothing will be overwhelming and you will feel like a failure at times. Taking it week by week and making small changes will have you where you want to be in no time. You could try saving $20.00 one week by cutting out coffee stops, then try saving $50.00 the next week by cutting out coffee stops and using coupons, and so on. Before you know it, you're saving enough money to start paying off those debts and live the CamLife!

There is no better feeling than accomplishing what you have set to do. It may be a process but Cambridge Life Solutions is here to help along the way!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Word of Advice: College Freshman should not get Credit Cards!!!!

I know, I know, it's your first day on campus and you feel such a sense of freedom. You're walking around, exploring the campus and there is a big booth covered in your school colors. They are offering a free school sweatshirt just for filling out this paperwork...SCORE!!!! The free sweatshirt is very awesome, but the credit card you just applied for, not so much. Most college freshman don't have a lot of money and it's as it should be. By going to college, you are sacrificing and making an investment into your future. You might think that by applying you'll just see if you get the credit card but won't really use it. Trust me, that's not the way it works. Next thing you know, your friends are begging you to come on a spring break trip with them and your pulling out the credit card to pay for it. After graduation, you will be working so hard just to pay off your creditors and you won't have time to focus on building a strong financial future. Trust me, the free sweatshirt isn't worth it, stay away from those credit cards!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Great Question! Should we burn RRSP to pay off credit card debt?

We get this question all the time. It's not just in relation to RRSP, but any sort of stock accounts, equity lines, debt consolidation loans. There are several aspects to consider. First, you have worked hard to build your retirement accounts. Don't touch them! They are for retirement. Don't touch your equity lines, that will cause an unsecured debt to now become secured and debt consolidation loans are just making it easier for you to accumulate more debt. There are plenty of other ways to eliminate your debt without tapping into these alternatives.

Make sure you do your research and are aware of all the pros and cons to each method of getting out of debt. Every situation is different and only you can make the choices that best fit your needs.

Here is a real life situation and the advice they received.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Credit Card Torture ~ One Man's Experience

You would be surprised how often our client's call us for help after dealing with harassing creditors for so long! Some client's have dealt with harassment from Creditors for years before seeking help! We can tell you, you deserve better! Your credit card debt does not determine who you are as a person. Life happens, family members fall ill, we lose our jobs, we lose our overtime....whatever it is, it happens to everyone. Especially in this global economy, there are more and more people struggling to keep up. This does not mean you have to be scared every time the phone rings. We read the story below and couldn't help but forward it along. Also, click on the links to know more about Creditor Harassment and your rights! Don't let yourself be harassed by creditors. Cambridge Life Solutions can help you to be one step closer to living The CamLife....DEBT FREE!!!!

Credit Card Torture ~ Here's one man's experience ~ You don't have to go through this alone!

British Columbia






Prince Edward Island

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Part VI: Guidance and Support

We've reached the last of our six part series about eliminating debt. The final piece of the puzzle is Guidance and Support. This time in your life and the decisions that you face are not easy. It's important to have someone you can open to about your debt. Sometimes it's a spouse, parent, or best friend, but most times it's difficult to be completely open and truthful about your situation. Cambridge Life Solutions offers an open forum where you can discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of your situation. Everyone from our Debt Consultants to our Customer Service Team cares about creating the best solution for your specific financial hardship. Not every situation is the same, so when Henry your Hairstylist says his Mother's, Best Friend's, Daughter-In-Law's, Aunt got out of debt by filing Bankruptcy, maybe that was the best option for her, but not necessarily you. The point is Cambridge Life Solutions is here to listen and to offer the guidance and support you need to LIVE THE CAMLIFE!!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Part V: Financial Education

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."
Anthony J. D'Angelo

Education is power. Becoming educated about credit cards, budgeting and basic finance is so important. The more knowledgeable your are about finances and what is occurring in the financial world around you, the more empowered you are to make sound financial decisions. Become educated about everything you do...from going to the grocery store to buying a house...spend wisely. If nothing else, use what you are currently going through as a learning experience and use it to make better decisions in the future. If you are parent, start NOW with your children. It's never too early or too late!

Canadian Centre for Financial Literacy
The Psychology of Debt
Ask Questions
Know What Credit Card Interest Rates Are Doing
Stay Up To Date on the Financial World Around You
Know Your Rights as a Debtor
Unbiased Money Information

Monday, April 18, 2011

Part IV: Budgeting Assistance

So far, we have talked about creating a detailed plan and online resources available to assist with getting your finances on track. Sometimes it takes a little more than just getting everything in order to actually get your finances moving in the right direction. Many are still staring at the sea of numbers on your scrap paper and saying, ok, now what?!?!?! Have no fear, this is normal! This is the point when many people acknowledge they need outside help. Getting the courage to put the information together is great and the online tools are fantastic, but you will find yourself at this point, needing help. This is where Cambridge Life Solutions steps in. Our debt consultants are the best. They take the time to listen to your specific situation. They evaluate the numbers you have in front of you and they design the best course of action based on your needs. We are constantly being told that our clients feel so better after just the first phone call. Here is what some of our clients have said:

"Good morning, Kevin:

I had the pleasure of setting up my new Cambridge debt resolution account with David over the last 10 days. I'm pleased to say that thanks to David and his assistance, I now have a debt solution in place with Cambridge.

David is a very attentive representative who did his utmost to make the whole process clear and easy to follow. As a part-time office manager myself, I appreciated the amount of detail necessary to fully ensure my application would be processed in a timely manner. David is very amiable and easy to talk to as well, something I also appreciate due to the amount of sensitive financial information being communicated over the telephone. Iesn short, David has done an exemplary job with me and my application with Cambridge.

Just thought you ought to know what a valuable employee you have with David.

all the best, Ross"

"I ….contacted Ken for assistance. He had answers to every question I asked. He was courteous and prompt with his replies. I was contacted by both email and phone on follow up and I was never once made to feel and inconvenience or belittled. This has been a weight lifting experience for myself and my husband and I would recommend Ken and your company to anyone looking for solutions. Compared to my dealings with Loans Officers and Mortgage Advisors at Banks I would recommend they take some lessons from Ken on Customer Service. Please thank him for his service and I look forward to dealing with your company over the next 24 months.


"Good afternoon;

... …I took a chance and made the call , and Erik..welcomed me to the program , Erik explained in detail all the information i wanted to know , he was very polite and understanding with me in my dept problem , , Erik took the time to expain all my questions , that i had very clearly ,leaving me with nothing to worried ,about. i enjoyed our conversation, over the phone , When he was finished explaining how the company worked for those who are deeply in debt , i was very satisfied and relieved.

I will be free of credit card dept at the end of 2 years, because of Erik , . he knows his work and how to treat a person who is stressd out , and how to deal with these issues ,

Thanks Erik , for your help and understanding and putting me on a road to being credit card debt free …"

We are here to assist with budgeting and relieving the burden of your credit card debt so you can live the CamLife....DEBT FREE!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Part III: Online Resources

Part III of our series on eliminating your debt is about Online Resources. There is so much information available on the internet that it becomes hard to tell what is useful for or not. Below are links to some of our favorite online tools, blogs and articles. Remember, Cambridge Life Solutions always wants you to Live the CamLife...DEBT FREE!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Part II: A Detailed Plan

The first step in your journey to eliminate your debt is creating A Detailed Plan. This is one of the most difficult parts of the process because it can be painful to sit down and take a good look at your income, expenses, assets and liabilities. The task will seem daunting and the numbers are hard to face, but it is so important to be honest with yourself about the situation. There is even a fair amount of embarrassment that may accompany this part, but it's worth it. Trust me, at first it hurts, but compiling this information is so important and can be a strong motivator. So, grab a glass of wine, get your bills together and start adding. First total the total household income after taxes. Then, determine the total household expenses, such as mortgage/rent, cell phone, hydro, gas, electric, etc., any expense that must be paid in order to keep your household running. Now, the tough part, total ALL debts. This means your mortgage, student loans, credit cards, personal loans, payday loans, money you owe to friends or family...any money you owe to anyone. An example of what we have created so far should look like the following:

Household Income: $5,000.00
Household Expenses (including mortgage and car payment): $3,475.00
Monthly Minimum Payments to Credit Cards: $1,000.00
Monthly Minimum Payments to Student Loans: $300.00
Mortgage: $100,000.00
Car Loan: $10,000.00
Total Credit Card Debt: $40,000.00
Total Student Loan Debt: $25,000.00

By doing a quick calculation, you will see from the example that the total in every month is $5,000 and the total out is $4,775.00. There is very little money left over every month for what is called discretionary spending. Discretionary spending is the amount of an individual's income that is left for spending, investing or saving after taxes and personal necessities (such as food, shelter, and clothing) have been paid. Discretionary income includes money spent on luxury items, vacations and non-essential goods and services.

From here, you need to determine if there is a minor spending adjustment needed to create more income for retirement, savings, spending elsewhere, etc. or if you are looking at a situation that will require more immediate attention. For instance, it is not uncommon for our clients to see a scenario where their expenses are exceeding their income on a monthly basis. So, here's the plan:

1. EVALUATE the data you have put together or have a friend or family member who is not emotionally involved make an evaluation of your monthly income and expenses. Feedback about what you're doing right and wrong on a month to month basis is important.

2. ELIMINATE or reduce household expenses. Some expenses are fixed, like the mortgage or car payment, but some like cable and cell phones can be adjusted. For these, call your providers and switch to the very basic plan or eliminate them altogether.

3. LOWER your Hydro, Gas and Electric bills. You can do this by being mindful of your usage. For example, make sure your turn off all lights when leaving a room and unplug appliances that don't get used very often. Try limiting your showers to 5 minutes or less. Set your heating/air conditioning unit for only the times you are home. It's not only good for the wallet but good for the environment too!

4. DECIDE what is right for you. There are several options for eliminating your debt, make sure you educate yourself about your options.

5. TAKE ACTION. If your financial situation warrants it, seek outside assistance. Cambridge Life Solutions has helped many people get out of debt by helping them follow a savings strategy we have create and personalize for their specific success.

Bottom line...bite the bullet...create a plan...LIVE the CamLife.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Tools...Part I

Ok, you're on your way to visit your mother and you've got a 4 hour road trip ahead of you. About an hour into it, just when you think all is good and you are on your way...POP...flat tire. You pull over to the side of the road and assess the situation. It's not good, you're an hour outside of town, no cars passing by and you're alone. So, you start pulling out all the tools available to you to try to fix the tire. To change the flat tire, you need:

To change the flat tire, you need:

  • Lug nut wrench
  • A two-foot sturdy metal pipe that fits in the handle of your wrench
  • At least a hydraulic cylindrical/floor jack
  • A flat head screwdriver
  • Early warning device
  • Wheel chock
  • Penetrating lube (WD-40)
  • Inflated spare tire

    There are a few things on this list that you could probably do without, but it makes the whole process a lot easier and quicker if you use all the tools available to you. In no time you've fixed your tire and you're on the road again!

    The same goes for eliminating your credit card debt. When you are buried in debt, you feel alone and stranded, but there are tools available to you relieve the burden and stress! To eliminate your debt you need:

  • A Detailed Plan
  • Online Resources
  • Budgeting Assistance
  • Financial Education
  • Guidance and Support

    This is Part I in a series where we will discuss how to use the tools Cambridge Life Solutions can identify and provide to help you eliminate your debt and LIVE THE CAMLIFE!
  • Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Do you Jenga?

    Remember Jenga? The game that consists of stacking 54 wooden blocks, then pulling out the blocks in a way so that the whole tower doesn't come crashing down.  Seems simple, but it's all about support!  We are constantly playing Jenga with our life and credit card debt can be the tipping point at the top of the Jenga stack.  It can make the tower unstable, so if the wrong piece (your job, your spouse, your stock account, etc) is taken away, it will cause the whole thing to tumble down.  When a life altering event happens, it's a game changer. For example, if a spouse loses their job, the added stress of worrying what to do with the credit card bills on top of paying the mortgage, the car and food is daunting.  This is why it is so important to build your remove the things in your life that aren't providing a good support.

    Cambridge Life Solutions is the support.  We add blocks to your Jenga stack by providing you with the tools and resources your need to eliminate your credit card debt and build the strong foundation you you can live The CamLife.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Our Clients!

    First, let me say....our clients are the best! We want to see everyone of them succeed and become debt free.  We will always go out of our way to answer any questions or help with whatever is needed to make sure they have a smooth transition to The CamLife.  
    You can check out what our clients have to say about us here.

    Our favorite client comment comes from Jenny.  She says:

    "Hi, My name is Jenny... I recently made a call to inquire about your program and I am Happy to say after speaking with David my husband and I have qualified for the Program....
    Thank you just does not seem enough!!! … 

    David was compassionate, understanding and completely thorough. He explained everything and made sure!!! I understood the whole program step by step. When he explained the cons, I was pleasantly surprised. I did not want to keep open any of the accounts, and was happy to close them for good; we never want to get back there again. So I thought that was a Pro. Then he explained about the negative effect on our credit until we had finished the program. I thought this was a Pro as well!!! We have to work at getting our credit back, and it’s not affecting my equity in my home, we are saving more so the time affecting our credit is up to us and how fast we can pay it off, but still be able to breathe. I can not express enough, how much David helped us, with emails and phone calls, anytime it was never a problem. He always had an answer or suggestion of what we could and should do. 

    David … was professional , friendly and understanding. As I said before, Thank you just does not seem enough, He helped me out of denial and on the road to bankruptcy and back into a position of control and PEACE!!!! 

    Please would you “Personally “Thank him from my Husband and myself. David …and Cambridge Life Solutions has not only helped us but my two children as well, that means the world. So thank you to all at Cambridge Life Solutuions and David … for helping my family get back on Track and on the way to financial relief. 

    Kind Regards, Jenny…"

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Cambridge Life Solutions

    Cambridge Life Solutions a video by CamLife on Flickr.

    The CamLife

    Welcome! This blog has been created by Cambridge Life Solutions.  We help people get out of debt and live The CamLife.  First things first...what is The CamLife? The CamLife is a completely DEBT FREE lifestyle.  Debt free doesn't just mean that you don't have credit card bills anymore.  It means a worry free, more fulfilling life.  You know, that life you dream about where you get a good nights sleep and don't have to stress about putting food on the table.  It means you don't struggle every month to pay your credit card minimums and there is more money available to save for a child's education or retirement or a dream vacation!  Think about all things you would do if you didn't have $25,000 or $50,000 in debt weighing you down...whatever your number is, imagine your life without it!  That's The CamLife and the possibilities are endless.

    Now you know what The CamLife is, we want you to live it!  Cambridge Life Solutions can show you how.  This blog will keep you up to date on the latest news about personal debt and finances and provide resources to manage finances in your daily life.  We'll be here for every step of your journey to The CamLife.  Remember, if it was easy, everyone would do it.....