Friday, April 1, 2011

Cambridge Life Solutions

Cambridge Life Solutions a video by CamLife on Flickr.

The CamLife

Welcome! This blog has been created by Cambridge Life Solutions.  We help people get out of debt and live The CamLife.  First things first...what is The CamLife? The CamLife is a completely DEBT FREE lifestyle.  Debt free doesn't just mean that you don't have credit card bills anymore.  It means a worry free, more fulfilling life.  You know, that life you dream about where you get a good nights sleep and don't have to stress about putting food on the table.  It means you don't struggle every month to pay your credit card minimums and there is more money available to save for a child's education or retirement or a dream vacation!  Think about all things you would do if you didn't have $25,000 or $50,000 in debt weighing you down...whatever your number is, imagine your life without it!  That's The CamLife and the possibilities are endless.

Now you know what The CamLife is, we want you to live it!  Cambridge Life Solutions can show you how.  This blog will keep you up to date on the latest news about personal debt and finances and provide resources to manage finances in your daily life.  We'll be here for every step of your journey to The CamLife.  Remember, if it was easy, everyone would do it.....